Black History Matters 365
BHM365 is a weekly podcast series that explores the true account of African American History as American History. Hosted by author and marketplace entrepreneur Jo Anne Scaife, this podcast dives into the revolutionary research found in “Black History 365: An Inclusive Account of American History” a seminal work by Dr. Walter Milton, Jr. and Dr. Joel Freeman. Featuring weekly interviews with history makers and current influencers, special ‘round table’ talks and series, as well as community focused events important to urban culture around the globe BHM365 sets the historical record straight for today and for future generations.
Black History Matters 365
Happy Thanksgiving 2023!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Scripture Meditation: "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever." (Psalm 136:1)
May you find much love and peace during this holiday season.
Direct Link to listen: https://backhistorymatters365.Buzzsprout.com
Comments at Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/BHM365PODCAST
Website: www.bhm365.com
Email: info@bhm365.com
We look forward to you listening and posting your questions and comments. We are excited about this series and know it will help so many of our black males and all who listen.
To purchase the book "BH365: An Inclusive Account of American History" visit link below:
Order a copy of the book at https://bit.ly/Joannbh365
Show Technical Production Engineer: Juels N. Evans
Podcast music: Soundstrips.com, Title-Bitz
Artwork: Metro UK